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The common misconceptions about vehicular accidents that do not help you

Car accidents can be terrifying. There are over 264 million registered vehicles in the US. One of the leading causes of accidents on the US roads is due to the high density of traffic. About 6.3 million car collisions have resulted in severe injuries, fatalities and property damage in the past. Over 1.7 million crashes have resulted in personal injuries in the recent past. Baltimore, Maryland is a hotspot for car accidents due to the high density of traffic in the area. It is imperative for all car owners to have the number of a reputed car accident lawyer on their speed dial before the need arises.

The frequency of the accidents and their different outcomes result in the leading misconceptions about car crashes. There are several points of advice people give to those involved in such situations, which do more harm than help. It is necessary to learn the misconceptions about such instances, and what people should do instead –

 Misconception 1: when involved in a car accident, get your car off the road

If you have been in a car crash, don't try to move the vehicle. Get to a safe place. Your car might not be the safest place to wait till the police or EMT arrives. You might want to get out of your car if you can and wait by the side of the road so you can talk to the police and EMTs when they arrive at the scene. Maryland car accident lawyers can tell you precisely what you need to do in these situations. Following their advice will help you a foolproof your insurance claim and remain safe after a motor vehicle accident. 

Misconception 2: the insurance company of the other party will pay the damages in full

You should contact your car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Expecting an insurance provider to pay the damages in full is a rookie mistake. Filing an auto insurance claim can be tricky, and it can take time. Speaking with an expert attorney will aid you to take care of all initial concerns. Maryland has several car accident attorneys. Most of them provide free first consultations. Be sure to utilize the chance!

Misconception 3: in case the other party doesn’t have insurance, you have to pay for the repair and medical bills

It is an old-school misconception that arises with the cloud that surrounds claims from an uninsured motorist (UM). You need to file a claim with your own insurance company. It might seem baffling to some since he or she will bring a claim against his or her insurance company in spite of no wrong-doing on their part. In reality, it is within the scope of the insurance company to pay for situations like this and every penny you pay covers these expenses. Speaking with an expert accident lawyer in Maryland will help you understand accident claims in the case of a UM.

Misconception 4: filing a police report is more than you can do

Several accident victims lose out on their claims since they only file police reports. In real life, a police report is not enough to support the evidence in court. These reports might be enough to cover the basics, like the names of the driver, car registration numbers, make and model of the car, location, and accident timing. Other critical information is often not in the standard police reports. Some other vital data you might need –

  • Road conditions
  • Weather conditions
  • Damage to the vehicle
  • Damage to structures and fixtures
  • Visibility conditions
  • Traffic conditions

Misconception 5: you can deal with the legal case on your own

It is one of the biggest mistakes a car accident victim can make. You need a professional legal representative during the first few days as well. He or she can tell you about the evidence you need to gather at the scene, as well as later on. People with experience in dealing with legal cases can help with the recovery process. Finding expert representation in court is often the key to getting the full compensation you deserve.

Misconception 6: the role of the "black box."

The "black box" of an automobile is very different from the "black box" of an airplane. The one you have in your car is definitely not foolproof, and the court does not consider it is the finest piece of evidence during compensation claim cases. Due to the imperfections in their make, using black box data in the court can be difficult. Here are the few types of data these boxes may record –

  • The speed of the vehicle
  • The brake application
  • Use of seatbelts
  • Performance of the engine

These are not enough to record the complete set of information necessary to influence the court’s decision in your favor. Unless you have a wide-angle dashboard camera to couple the evidence from the automobile black box, the record remains incomplete.

Misconception 7: professional representation will be expensive

Did you know? The first round of consultation with an accident lawyer is always free. You can give you accident attorney a call from the site of the crash to find out exactly what you need to record, the data you need to collect and how to formulate your police record. Having expert help from the very first step is an investment and not an expense. Moreover, the accident attorneys receive their payment through contingency only. They do not receive any payment unless you get your compensation. So, you need not worry about the expenses. However, not all accident attorneys are the same. It is always smart to talk numbers with your attorney at the beginning of the case to avoid unpleasant surprises.

It is difficult for novices to take care of all aspects of the legal procedures, and then file the claims with their insurance company correctly. Having a trained and experienced professional by your side can help you receive the amount you deserve and keep the personal injury lawsuits at bay.