Having a criminal conviction can be like a ball and chain. A conviction can follow you everywhere – to your job, to your living arrangement and even to your personal relationships. If you have been convicted, but found not guilty or have already served your time, it might be important to have your record cleaned up. Overtime, you will notice that some jobs won’t be so tolerant. Indeed, having a... ❯❯❯
It seems that when you mix the delicate care of human life and free enterprise, you get a few legal and ethical quandaries. These are the issues that doctors of today face, especially in countries where medical care isn’t free or state sponsored. Also, when you add in pharmaceutical industries and health care insurance providers, the problem only gets worse. It seems that the unquenchable thirst... ❯❯❯
We all want to believe that our doctors know best, but the truth is that they can’t possibly know everything, which is why it is important to get a second opinion if you feel that something is wrong. In truth, most doctors will refer you to a specialist rather than risk a misdiagnosis of some sort, but there may be cases in which you simply aren’t diagnosed with the condition that ails you. And... ❯❯❯
In today’s crowded entertainment marketplace, performers must look for any and all opportunities to create and promote their brand. Gone are the days when you could release an album and expect your fans to head to the record store. Digital music rules the revenue stream, while most artists must add on significant merchandising, online promotions and touring in order to make the sort of money that... ❯❯❯
There’s no doubt about it. Climate control is definitely a relevant topic; one that, based on the decisions that are made now, will definitely impact our future. This is a big part of the reason why President Obama is currently being so aggressive when it comes to his desire to push through the kind of legislation that will actually cut the amount of greenhouse gases that are permitted into the... ❯❯❯
Whether you have been injured at work, slipped in a supermarket, or have been in a vehicle collision that wasn’t your fault and you are waiting for your settlement payment, but are in a bit of a financial pickle, you might be able to take a loan out against the damages you are owed when the lawsuit is finalized. Sometimes it can take months for a lawsuit to conclude and to receive payment,... ❯❯❯
If you have recently received a traffic violation, you are certainly not alone. As a matter of fact, there are over 100,000 tickets that are handed out in this country alone on a daily basis. That adds up to approximately 1 in 6 individuals who will receive a ticket this year. However, if you feel that you have received a ticket that was unwarranted, there are certain things that you can do.... ❯❯❯
If you took a poll of a hundred people and you asked them to mention one of the things that they dislike doing the most (outside of household chores or paying bills), we’re willing to bet that they just might tell you is that they dislike going to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) in order to get their license renewed. We totally get why that would be the case being that it can oftentimes... ❯❯❯
When you think of the legal field you probably think of a lawyer – either for the defendant or the plaintiff – fighting their case on the floor of a courthouse. You might also think of the high salary, the fancy cars, the house and the high life. However, there are many jobs in the legal field that range from low 5-figure entry-level wages and onto higher positions that pay upwards of nine-figure... ❯❯❯
Private detectives are not police officers; this is one important distinction that people must know. Private detectives are essentially ordinary, everyday citizens with certification to practice private detection with a license in the state they operate. Some of these private detectives work for firms or run their own agency. Moreover, many private detectives have been in law enforcement or are... ❯❯❯